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The Perfect Way To Boil An Egg – Yes, Even Farm Fresh Eggs

Yes, we are really providing a ‘recipe’ on how to boil eggs.  Every week we get at least one question on how to make them so that they can be easily peeled and have a solid, firm yolk.

beautiful yolk
The Best Way to Boil Even Farm Fresh Eggs

There are several ‘ways’ to boil eggs – just ask anyone that you know and they will all give you their method.

However, when you are talking about making hard boiled eggs, most individuals are using store bought eggs.

What’s the difference, you ask?  The age of your eggs.  

You see, by the time that traditional grocery stores stock their shelves, the eggs are already approximately a month old.  That means that when boiled, the shell will typically be easy to remove from the white of the egg.

fresh chicken eggs

That’s not true for the farm fresh eggs that you get from your friend, neighbor, or even at the local Farmer’s market.  

If you have ever boiled eggs fresh off the farm, you were probably frustrated at the time that it took you to peel them and how much you wasted because the shell came with a good portion of the egg still attached to it.

Here is the secret on how to boil eggs and make perfect hard boiled eggs every time!

How to Make Easy to Peel Hard Boiled Eggs

Eggs – farm fresh eggs included

eggs boiling on stove
Place the eggs in the water after it boils.

1. Fill water 3/4 full in a medium saucepan. Heat on medium-high heat until boiling.

2. Gently add eggs, one at time, with a slotted spoon or mesh basket.

3. Keep at a rolling boil for 15 minutes.

**If you are using farm fresh eggs that are less than 5 days old, increase boiling time to 18 minutes.

4. While eggs are boiling, prepare an ice water bath in a large bowl.

eggs in ice water bath
Eggs in ice water bath.

5. After your eggs have boiled for the desired time, remove from heat.

Immediately remove the eggs and place them into the ice water bath.  

**For ease of removal, I typically use a colander and place the whole basket into the ice water bath.

6. Let eggs cool completely.

7. Remove eggs from water and peel (easily). **Save the egg shells for your compost or garden when planting.


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Mary and Jim

How To Boil An Egg - Farm Fresh Eggs Included

beautiful yolk


  • Eggs - farm fresh eggs included


  1. Fill water 3/4 full in a medium saucepan. Heat on medium-high heat until boiling.
  2. Gently add eggs, one at time, with a slotted spoon or mesh basket.
  3. Keep at a rolling boil for 15 minutes.**If you are using farm fresh eggs that are less than 5 days old, increase boiling time to 18 minutes.
  4. While eggs are boiling, prepare an ice water bath in a large bowl.
  5. After your eggs have boiled for the desired time, remove from heat. Immediately remove the eggs and place them into the ice water bath. **For ease of removal, I typically use a colander and place the whole basket into the ice water bath.
  6. Let eggs cool completely.
  7. Remove eggs from water and peel (easily). *Save the eggs shells for your compost or your garden when planting!


Recipe courtesy of Old World Garden Farms

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size:

1 grams

Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g