5 years ago this weekend (October 9th to be exact), we fired up a tiny walk behind brush cutter and began our dream of creating a little space to call our own. We didn’t know much – but we knew we wanted a little garden, barn, a few chickens – and a more simple way of life.
Those five years have been filled with a lot of hard work and fun – and yes those two things can and do go together beautifully!
We have had a lot great memories building our dream, with many more to come. We never imagined when we started out that we would ever have a website about the farm – but in early 2012, we decided to create oldworldgardenfarms.com to document the whole process. As crazy as it sounds, that little blog will celebrate it’s 10,000,000th visitor this month, and with 65,000 + followers, it shows that there are many others out there as well who share the passion of living a more simple life.
We would like to extend a big “Thank You” to everyone who has followed along in our journey. Your thoughts, comments and ideas help us more than you will ever know, and we hope in turn that we have helped others to start or build their dreams as well.
In honor of the 5 years – we thought for today’s Sunday Farm Update we would share the progress by taking a fall photo tour around the farm – along with sharing a few pictures from where it all began.
To A Simple Life!
– Jim and Mary
If you would like to receive our Sunday Updates each week – be sure to sign up to follow the blog via email in the right hand column, “like” us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

The entrance to the farm. We have both always loved that the farm simply appears below as you head over the little hill at the entrance

A Blank Slate. How it all looked after we cleared off the land in 2010.

Carving out thee front entrance early on…

The farm now

Although the garden is slowing down – the peppers are still coming on strong

The poinsettia ornamental flowers in full bloom at the upper pergola. We love the late season fiery colors of the ornamental peppers!

More pepper color – these are the chili-chili peppers in front of the barn

Late season tomatoes ripening on the screen. Not as pretty as the early crop – but just as tasty!

The first chicken coop at the farm – 2011

The new “matching barn coop” erected in 2013

And finally…a sign of what is around the corner…Santa waits in the barn