This week, we need some decorating help from our readers! Although we usually come to you with our latest gardening or DIY project, we are in a dilemma with the main wall of the Simple House. So we thought we would turn the tables and ask you for advice.
We have concentrated so much of our efforts recently on the final details of the construction process, we have yet to come up with a plan for the decor of what we now call the “Big Wall.”
The Big Wall is the main focal point of the open kitchen and living area. It faces west to catch the falling sun over the trees each evening. The left side will be our dining area, and there will be a large industrial pipe style lighting fixture coming down from the ceiling to hang over the table. Beyond that – the space is wide open.
The Details:
The Big Wall is covered with white shiplap siding, and is awash in light with a bank of 2 lower double window sets, and a triple window bank up top. As for dimensions – the wall spans 24′ across, and reaches to a height of 22′.
A Few Big Wall Decorating Ideas So Far…

One thought is to use a rolling ladder like this one to span the large bank of windows. We found this one browsing on-line at
We have tossed around a few ideas already. One is to hang and place a huge rolling ladder underneath the large windows up top. Not only would it become a focal point, but great for opening and cleaning the windows.
Another thought is for some type of large sign or wall hanging to span the wall. We even thought perhaps a series of large black and white farm photos. And we keep thinking and thinking…
So as we sat staring at the wall the other night, we decided we need help figuring this one out! Who better to come to the rescue for ideas than our fantastic followers!
So let the ideas flow! Feel free to comment below with any thoughts that come to mind! You can also feel free to email us thoughts or pictures at or comment on our Big Wall post on Facebook.
We will be sure to post the final winning design idea or ideas in a few weeks in one of our Sunday Farm Updates. You can find out more on the house project here – The Simple House Project
Happy Decorating – Jim and Mary. To receive our Recipes, DIY and Gardening articles each week, sign up to follow the blog via email in the right hand column above, “Like” us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. You can also check out our new book, Growing Simple, now available on