Today is the day!
I can tell you with 100 percent certainty that there has never been a day that we have been more excited, jubilant, nervous, proud, humbled and scared all at the same time. But that is exactly what we are feeling at the very moment you read these words.
This morning, at precisely 12:01 am, February 20th, 2018 – our dream of creating, writing and having our Raised Row Gardening book published came true. It is now available on-line in paperback and digital form, and in stores and libraries around the country.
And yes, today, instead of bringing you our weekly garden, farm and recipe articles, we are turning the tables and asking for a little help from you to help it out.
One thing is for sure, without you, this book, the website, and everything else we have been blessed to be a part of at Old World Garden Farms simply could never have happened. And for that, the book’s dedication page is 100 percent dedicated to you, our weekly followers.
The Garden Book For All Gardeners…
I can tell you that we are so very proud of the finished product. The editors and our publishers at Page Street Publishing, and their parent company McMillan Publishing got it right.
The book is filled with full color photos, charts, illustrations and descriptions that walk readers through the ins and outs of vegetable gardening.
It really is a book with something for anyone who loves to garden, young and old. From composting, to cover crops, natural fertilizing and more, it is a complete guide to growing vegetable at home.
And Now To The “Can You Help Us Part”…
With that, we first have to take a moment to say a big thank you! Thank you to all who purchased advance copies, and to all who have already ordered today. It goes without saying that first day numbers are so helpful, and you have been amazing. So much so that you have put us up near the #1 slot in gardening. Our fingers are crossed that we might get there today!

Our 2017 Raised Row Garden late last summer, it has certainly grown from its humble beginnings.
You may have noticed in today’s headline we asked for a little help. It is not something we normally do, or particularly like to do. But today is different. This has been a dream of ours for as long as we can remember – and dreams are worth going for. Many of you have been with us since our very first gardening article back in the fall of 2011. Others have joined along the way. We hope in some way, we have helped your garden efforts with out weekly articles.
As with all books, reviews are extremely important. Today, with its release, our book is now eligible for reviews. And we need them! The more the better!
We simply ask that if our garden articles and Raised Row Garden method has benefited you in some way – could you take a moment to leave a small review on-line at either Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or IndieBound. We have links to all 3 below, or you can click the picture to the right. Every single review helps to power the book!
We also ask that you share our book with fellow gardeners, garden clubs and anyone who enjoys backyard gardening. Thank you again for helping us grow our dream!
Amazon : Raised Row Gardening
Barnes and Noble : Raised Row Gardening
IndieBound : Raised Row Gardening
We cannot thank you enough for all of the support over this past 8 years! As always – Happy Gardening! – Jim and Mary. This article contains affiliate links