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How To Replant Cucumbers With Seeds In The Summer – And Why It Works So Well!

Did you know that one of the best times to replant cucumbers is in the summer – and that it’s not only easy to do but incredibly inexpensive by simply planting seeds?

One thing is for sure, by mid-summer, for many gardeners, their spring planted cucumber plants are starting to show some pretty serious signs of wear and tear. Whether growing in a traditional garden, raised beds or in containers, cucumbers often run out of steam by mid to late July. Either from the hot, dry summer sun, or from falling victim to pests or disease.

Cucumber plants face a lot of challenges when going into the ground in the spring. First, there is the threat of a frost or a late freeze that often injures and stunts a plant’s early growth. In addition, the cool and wet spring conditions often leave plants vulnerable to mildew and slow growth.

replanting cucumbers
By summer, whether it’s from pests, blight or mildew, many cucumber plants start to fail.

Unfortunately, as if all of that wasn’t enough – the dreaded cucumber beetle then arrives in early summer. Not only can the troublesome pest damage plants and fruit, it can also bring blight along with its bite too.

But here’s the good news. By simply replanting cucumbers with seeds in the middle of summer, there is still plenty of time to grow an incredible late summer/fall crop. And best of all – all of those issues from early in the spring are no longer a problem!

How To Replant Cucumbers With Seeds In The Summer

The Advantages of Replanting Cucumbers In The Summer

As it turns out, mid-summer is the perfect time to replant cucumbers. In fact, there are a whole slew of advantages for planting cucumbers in the summer – starting with it can be done easily and economically by planting seeds instead of transplants.

As summertime hits full stride, the soil is warm. Because of that, seeds germinate quickly. Add in that there is near zero worry of a frost or extremely cool overnight temperatures, and seeds can quickly grow into mature plants. Far faster than in the spring!

Because of these favorable growing conditions, it makes the need for using costly transplants non-existent. In just a matter of days, seeds can sprout and quickly be growing to near transplant size in just a week or two.

how to replant cucumbers in summer
In the warm soil of summer, cucumber seeds can germinate and sprout quickly.
Even More Summer Seed Planting Advantages – How To Replant Cucumbers With Seeds

But even better, planting cucumbers in the summer from seed can also have a lot of other advantages for your crop as well. For starters, unlike with a transplant, a cucumber seed’s roots are never disturbed through the entire growing process. With a transplant, the plant can go through a sluggish growth period while its roots readjust to the soil. Not so with seedlings!

Plants grown from seed also adjust better to the available water and nutrients in the soil. A transplant can often need days of pampering after going into the soil – but a plant from seed simply takes off and grows into its environment right from the start.

Finally, by starting your seeds in the summer, the threat of cucumber beetles and many other spring pests are long gone by the time they start to mature. Most of these pests have already come and gone for the year, leaving plants safe to grow without worry.

With all of those benefits in mind, here is a look at how to replant your cucumber crop this summer with seeds!

growing cucumbers in straw bales
Selecting fast maturing cucumbers is one of the biggest keys to summer replanting.

How To Replant Cucumbers With Seeds

Select Cucumber Varieties That Produce Fast!

One of the biggest keys to success when replanting cucumbers in the summer is to select varieties that have a short seed-to-fruit maturity time. This will allow you the opportunity to harvest as many cucumbers as possible before the first frost.

Varieties such as the National Pickling Cucumber and the Boston Pickling Cucumber are all excellent choices. All of these cucumber varieties can produce cucumbers in as little as 55 days, making them perfect for summer planting.

Recharge Your Soil – How To Replant Cucumbers In The Summer

Before planting your seeds, it’s extremely important to recharge the soil a bit to power your new crop. Especially if you will be planting in the same soil where your first crop of cucumbers was growing.

The fastest and easiest way to do this is with compost. For each planting area, mix in three or four shovel fulls of compost to the soil where you will plant your seeds. Compost is loaded with nutrients, and will provide plenty of power as plants develop.

Listen In To Our Podcast Below On How To Grow An Amazing Crop Of Cucumbers!

For an even better boost, we like to mix 1/2 cup of worm castings in the soil directly where we plant our seeds. Worm castings not only provide power, but help hold moisture in the soil. That can be a big plus when germinating seeds in the middle of summer. Affiliate Product Link: 100% Pure Worm Castings

Soak Your Seeds – How To Replant Cucumbers In The Summer

Cucumber seeds benefit greatly from a little soak before planting. Especially when planting in the middle of the summer when the soil can be drier than normal.

Soak your seeds for a few hours before planting in distilled or purified water. Avoid using city water or water that has been softened. Both can contain chlorine, salts and other chemicals that can hinder or even stop sprouting altogether.

Once seeds sprout, mulch the area to help conserve moisture and keep out competing weeds. Cucumbers require a fair amount of water to grow and produce, and a thick layer of mulch will do wonders to help keep roots moist.

Fertilizing – How To Replant Cucumbers In The Summer

Finally, powering your plants with fertilizer is a must for summer planted cucumbers. Not only will it help make up for any lack of power in the soil, it can keep your plants on the path to producing fruit faster. See: How To Fertilize Cucumber Plants – The Secret To Healthy Plants & A Big Harvest!

But what you fertilize your peppers with matters! Select a liquid fertilizer that is higher in phosphorous and potassium than nitrogen. These two nutrients are best for powering blooms and fruit – and that is what growing cucumbers is all about! Affiliate Link: Bloom Booster Fertilizer

Here is to replanting your cucumber crop this summer with seeds – and to gathering a big fall harvest of fresh cucumbers before putting your garden to bed for the winter! Happy Gardening – Jim and Mary.