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The Hummingbird Camera Feeder – A Perfect Way To Bird Watch In Your Backyard!

If you are looking for an incredible way to not only watch hummingbirds in action in your backyard – but actually capture their amazing features on video – then a hummingbird camera feeder is the way to go!

If there is one species of bird that we love to watch more than any other on the farm, it is the delicate but colorful hummingbird. The tiny little birds might be small in stature, but are they ever big when it comes to providing pure entertainment as they work the flowers in our landscape.

Whether darting back and forth between the tall blooms of our coral bells and hostas, or working all of the flowering hanging baskets we have around the farm, they are nothing short of a joy to watch as they drink in the nectar to feed their hungry appetites.

hummingbird camera feeder
Watching the hummingbirds come in to feed has been simply amazing. And do they ever appreciate the easy meal!

With wings that can flap at an astonishing rate of 75 miles per hour or more, the hummingbird is incredibly fast. And yet, it can use those wings to levitate effortlessly while feeding from blooms. In short they are fascinating to watch – which is exactly why we love to plant the plants they love most like coral bells to attract them to our landscape. See: How To Attract Pollinators – 7 Gorgeous Plants Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds Love!

Taking Hummingbird Watching To A New Level – The Hummingbird Camera Feeder

Up until recently, our hummingbird watching was pretty much regulated to early morning coffee time. It is a daily occurrence on our farm for Mary and I to enjoy a cup or two of coffee at daybreak out on our front porch before starting off our day.

Without fail, almost every single morning, we share that coffee time with a few hummingbirds. They love to fly in early to feed on the coral bells, petunias and other annuals we have growing nearby. It’s certainly a sight to see. In fact, so much so that we both have tried to snap a picture of the birds in action.

Needless to say, most of those efforts are less than successful. With supersonic wing speed and fast darting movements, the photo is usually a blur.

But all of that changed about one month back. That is when we decided to try out a hummingbird feeder for the very first time. But not just any ordinary hummingbird feeder. No, this one came complete with a camera to capture them in all of their amazing wonder!

The Hummingbird Camera Feeder – A Perfect Way To Bird Watch In Your Backyard!

I have to admit that we have now probably watched more hummingbirds in the last month than we have in our entire life. The feeder has been a huge hit here at the farm – for us and the hummingbirds! Affiliate Product Link: Hummingbird Feeder with Camera for Outdoors, Auto Capture

Every time a hummingbird visits the feeder, it records a brief video and alerts us. The amount of photos and videos we now have of hummingbirds is astonishing. But what is even more amazing is just how many there are – and how much personality they have!

We have two in particular that have decided the perch is safe enough to just sit and feed. It is hilarious to watch them make their rounds around the the farm and head right back to the feeder for more nectar.

One thing is for sure – the word must be out now among the other “neighborhood” hummingbirds. For years we thought we only had a few pair close by. But now, we have no less than a dozen different hummingbirds feeding daily.

We hung our hummingbird feeder from our garden shed. It was the perfect semi-shady place to keep them safe while they feed.

If there is one, the only drawback would be that watching them on video can be quite addicting. In fact, our feeder is so busy throughout the day we often turn our notifications off or else we would be bird watching all day. What truly makes it special is you can see them so easily and effortlessly.

How It Works – The Hummingbird Camera Feeder

The good news is that the feeder is a snap to set up and use. Everything you need is in the box. In fact, all you have to do prior to using is charge up the camera. For us, it took about 6 to 8 hours for the charge to be complete.

As for how long the batteries last between a charge, it depends on the settings, but we have been using ours for about a month and still have over 70% charge left. The camera does work off of Wi-Fi. Because of this, you will have to locate it close enough to a signal to work. Ours is set up about 100 feet from our signal and it works well.

feeder box
The feeder comes all complete in the box and set up is simple. After charging, we had ours up and running in minutes – and we have been watching ever since!

It’s important to set up the feeder in a safe location from predators. Although you can sit the unit on the ground or in a tree – it can be easy for cats and other prey to get to the birds as they feed. We hung our feeder using an eye hook underneath the eaves of our garden shed.

Installing it was as easy as charging up the unit for a few hours, filling up the reservoir with homemade sugar water ( a 4/1 mix of water and sugar) – and hanging from the shed. I don’t know who is honestly more happy we did it – us – or the hummingbirds!

Here is to watching hummingbirds work their magic with a hummingbird camera feeder! Happy Gardening – Jim and Mary.

For more on birds in the landscape, check out our article : How To Feed And Attract Chickadees – Why Chickadees Are A Gardener’s Best Friend!

Old World Garden

Jim and Mary Competti have been writing gardening, DIY and recipe articles and books for over 15 years from their 46 acre Ohio farm. The two are frequent speakers on all things gardening and love to travel in their spare time.

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