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How To Save Dying Hanging Baskets & Containers – 2 Great Ways To Give New Life To Your Plants!

Looking for a simple way to save your dying hanging baskets and container plants this summer from the compost bin?

It happens every summer. As soon as the long, hot days of summer arrive, our inbox instantly overflows with questions from readers about how to save their potted plants from completely fading away into oblivion.

Unfortunately, more times than not, it has very little to do with the usual trouble makers of fertilizing too much or too little, or watering too often or not enough. Nor is it an issue of the summer heat getting to the plants either.

dying hanging baskets
By mid-summer, many hanging basket plants begin to fade off with little blooms.

So what is the issue? And is there a fix? Well, for starters, in many cases, even the most well cared for hanging baskets and containers begin to fade fast in early summer. And when a well cared for plant suddenly begins to lose its luster in early or mid-summer, the cause can almost always be tied to the plant becoming root bound.

Dealing With Root Bound Plants – How To Save Dying Hanging Baskets & Containers

For root bound plants, no amount of water or fertilizer is going to help. That’s because once a plant’s roots have become wound tightly together, it’s nearly impossible for them to absorb water or nutrients. And the roots take up so much space, there is little soil left in the container as well.

When this happens, water simply runs right through the basket. As do any fertilizers applied to the plant. And without water and nutrients, the plants start to fade fast!

Unfortunately, at this point, leaving the plant in its container simply isn’t an option. No amount of soaking or fertilizing will work to allow the plant to absorb enough of either to power it back up. The plant will continue to slowly fade and eventually die.

root bound plant - container plants

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be the end of the line for your plants. Let’s face it, container plants can be quite an expense for the home gardener. Whether you plant your own or purchase your baskets and potted plants from a local nursery or greenhouse, they certainly aren’t cheap.

So why not get the most bang for your buck and keep them around to enjoy all summer? Luckily, as it turns out, there are actually two great ways to do just that!

2 Great Ways To Save Dying Hanging Baskets & Container Plants

Without a doubt, the only way to save a root bound plant is to repot it. It needs new soil and space for its roots to once again thrive. But the important part when repotting is to make sure your plants will have enough space to live out the rest of the summer and fall in full bloom.

To do that, the new pot or hanging basket needs to be at least 25% larger. That can be easier if your plants are in smaller containers. But if you happen to have large potted plants already – it can be nearly impossible. The good news – there is an answer for both!

Let’s start with how to repot smaller plants into larger pots – and then cover what to do with those massive ones to give them a second life!

Repotting Small Plants – 2 Great Ways To Save Dying Hanging Baskets & Container Plants

The first and most common method to bring your hanging baskets and container plants back to life is to replant them into a larger vessel.

Unfortunately, most commercial hanging baskets are sold using ten or twelve inch pots. These smaller baskets simply don’t have enough soil in them to allow an entire summer of root growth. In fact, to make it through an entire growing season, baskets need to be a minimum of fourteen to sixteen inches from the start.

For replanting, select a new basket or container with at least 1/4 more growing space. If you can double the size, that’s even better. This will give plenty of space for the roots to expand out and bring in nutrients quickly. More importantly it will also allow enough room for your plant to last for the remainder of the season. Affiliate Product Link: 4 Pack 14inch Metal Hanging Basket Planter for Flowers

How To Repot Plants With Success – 2 Great Ways To Save Dying Hanging Baskets & Container Plants

When repotting, start by filling the bottom of your container with a high quality potting soil. Before sitting the root ball into the new basket, be sure to loosen the tightly wound roots. Gently break apart the bottom of the roots, taking care to keep them intact to the root ball.

save flowering baskets and container plants
Repotting plants in mid summer can give them the soil and room to revive and flourish until late fall.

Breaking apart the bottom of the root bound ball is critical to success. This allows the plant to breathe and grow into the new soil. And as it does so, it will be able to soak in the nutrients and water it needs to thrive once again.

We love mixing in 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of worm castings to the potting soil mix. The nutrients in the worm castings absorb quickly into the plant, helping it to revive at a much faster pace. Affiliate Product Link: 100% Pure Worm Castings

Finish by filling the remainder of the pot with potting soil, and then giving the plant a good watering with a dose of liquid fertilizer. This step is extremely important!

Root bound plants have been suffering from not being able to absorb water or nutrients – and now that they have room to grow, powering them up with a liquid fertilizer will shock the plants back into growth mode. Affiliate Product Link: Jack’s Classic 10-30-20 Blossom Booster Water-Soluble Fertilizer

What To Do With Large Plants – How To Save Dying Hanging Baskets & Container Plants

So what happens if you are trying to save a hanging basket or container plant that is simply too large to find a suitable basket or container? Once again, don’t throw that plant away. Instead, replant it directly into your landscape for a huge splash of annual color!

keep petunias blooming
These petunias are once again thriving after being planted into a flowerbed.

We have been using this trick for years around our farm and it works like a charm. Not only does it save the plant, it adds a massive splash of color anywhere you need it in the landscape.

Over-sized hanging baskets and container plants can have an incredible second life when directly planted into flowerbeds or garden areas. Simply remove the plant from the container, gently loosen the root ball, and plant.

Just like when replanting, give the plant plenty of water and a full dose of liquid fertilizer. This will help to jump-start its growth in its new surroundings. With all of the new space and soil available, you will be amazed at how quickly the plant bounces back to life! See our article: Fertilizing Hanging Baskets – 2 Secrets Pros Use To Keep Baskets Blooming Big

Here is to finding a way to save your dying hanging baskets this summer, and to enjoying their beauty right up til the first frost in fall! Happy Gardening – Jim and Mary.

Old World Garden

Jim and Mary Competti have been writing gardening, DIY and recipe articles and books for over 15 years from their 46 acre Ohio farm. The two are frequent speakers on all things gardening and love to travel in their spare time.

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