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How To Keep Bees Away In The Fall – 5 Secrets To Keep Aggressive Bees Away When Outdoors!

Looking for a few simple methods to keep those aggressive bees away from you and your family while you try to enjoy time outdoors this fall?

As much as the cooler and less humid weather of autumn makes everyone want to enjoy time outside – bees can all but ruin it. Not only can their constant buzzing and hovering over you and any food source nearby be annoying, it can also be quite dangerous. Especially if you happen to be highly allergic to bee stings.

One thing is for sure, bees become more aggressive than ever in the fall. And not just honey bees, but hornets, yellow jackets, bumble bees and a wide variety of other bee species as well. And it can make trying to enjoy a meal, a beverage – or simply just a little time outdoors incredibly tough!

how to keep bees away in the fall
From yellow jackets to honey bees, bumble bees and more, bees become far more aggressive looking for food in the fall. And that can spell trouble for those trying to spend time outdoors!

So why do bees seem so much more aggressive in the fall? More than anything else, it’s due to hunger and the approaching winter. And this year, because of widespread drought in our area – they are even more aggressive than ever!

With a dwindling supply of plants producing nectar, bees begin to search anywhere and everywhere for food and water. And that includes adults, children and even pets that can either have food or water around them. Or, in many cases, simply smell like a source of food.

But as trying as it can be, there are a couple of simple methods to help keep bees far away from you and your activities – even if you happen to be dining outdoors.

How To Keep Bees Away In The Fall – 5 Simple Ways To Keep Aggressive Bees Away!

#1 Use The Power Of Vinegar – How To Keep Bees Away In The Fall

Bees detest the smell of vinegar. So much so that by simply spraying a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar around the outside areas you are trying to enjoy, they will stay far away.

keep bees away in the fall
From yellow jackets to honey bees, bumble bees and more, bees become far more aggressive looking for food in the fall. And that can spell trouble for those trying to spend time outdoors!

The vinegar trick is especially good for spraying on tables you will be placing food and beverages on. Yes, it may leave a bit of vinegary odor in the air – but it will do wonders to keep bees from buzzing in to ruin your evening!

If you don’t like the vinegar smell, there are other great organic spray options. Affiliate Product Link: Colton’s Naturals – Bee and Wasp Repellent Spray – (32 OZ) – Natural, Bee and Wasp Deterrent

#2 Cut Cucumber Peels – How To Keep Bees Away In The Fall

Another smell that bees absolutely do not like is that from the cut peels of a cucumber. If you are sitting outdoors, simply slice off the peels from a cucumber. Then, place them in a few small dishes around you. Just like the vinegar – bees will steer clear of the area.

As a little extra trick, we even wipe the peels down low on our beverage glasses. This is great for keeping bees from landing on the rims of a glass of wine, soda, tea and more!

cucumber peels to repel pests
Placing the cut peels of a cucumber near you when outdoors can help to steer bees clear of your area. The acidity in the peels is quite unattractive to bees.

Vinegar and cucumber peels are truly 2 great ways to help repel bees, but if you really want to keep them far away, the best method of all is to simply keep them from ever finding you. And that all that starts with not wearing bright colors that can attract bees from a distance.

#3 Watch What You Wear – How To Keep Bees Away In The Fall

Avoid wearing red, orange, yellow and other bright colors that bees gravitate toward. These also happen to be the colors of the blooms they love to eat nectar from, and when they see bright colors, they will fly right to them.

This color avoidance also carries over to tablecloths and more. Brightly colored cloths and table decorations will also attract bees in droves. Instead, wear or use neutral colors such as brown or black. These colors simply don’t interest bees in the least, and they are far more unlikely to hover around them.

#4 Avoid Strong Perfumes & Fragrances – How To Keep Bees Away In The Fall

Along the same lines as bright colors, also avoid wearing fragrances when outdoors too. Sweet smelling perfume and/or cologne will attract bees from far away. And in droves!

And it doesn’t stop there. Bees have an incredible sense of smell. They will fly towards strong smelling deodorants, powders, candles and more. As tempting as it may be, keep scents to a minimum and bees will stay away.

As an additional tip, the use of outdoor fans can be an excellent way to disperse scents and make bees unable to find them. Even more, the strong blast of air from a fan makes it difficult for bees to navigate near you or the food.

#5 Cover Food – How To Keep Bees Away In The Fall

This is probably the biggest of all when it comes to trying to keep bees from finding you. Bees have an incredibly strong ability to find the scent of sweetness or food. Especially when it is left uncovered for them to drink up!

The sugary sweet taste of sodas will have bees flocking to any open cans or bottles they can find. It’s important to keep all food covered at all times.

All it takes is an open container of soda or a glass of wine – and the bees will be flying to it within minutes. Use can or bottle covers to keep drinks covered when not in use. Likewise, cover food and serving plates when outdoors to keep the threat of bees to a minimum.

Here is to keeping bees far away from you and your outdoor fun this fall – and to enjoying autumn to its fullest this year. Happy Gardening, Jim & Mary.

Old World Garden

Jim and Mary Competti have been writing gardening, DIY and recipe articles and books for over 15 years from their 46 acre Ohio farm. The two are frequent speakers on all things gardening and love to travel in their spare time.

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