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3 Simple Secrets To Keep Mice Out Of Garages, Sheds & Barns!

One of the hardest things for many gardeners and homeowners to do is to keep mice out of their garages, sheds and barns. Especially in the fall and winter when they seem to arrive in droves to find a warmer spot to shelter from the cold!

There is nothing quite like the unpleasant surprise of opening a garage or shed door, or a piece of equipment inside of them and finding a mouse – or even worse, mice damage.

Mice can be extremely destructive. They quickly chew their way through boxes, fabric, baskets, electrical wires and more. Even worse, they can create large nests anywhere they find a hiding place. That includes inside lawn mowers, tractors, cars and all kinds of equipment.

keep mice out of garages
When mice get inside of garages, sheds and barns, they do far more than create nests. They can also cause serious damage – like this mouse that has torn into the seat of a stored car!

Unfortunately, in the process, they often cause serious damage that can be quite expensive to repair. From battery cables to starter wires, upholstery and more, they will use whatever they can find to make a nest for the winter.

Both at our old farm and our new farm, we have several outbuildings and sheds where we store equipment for the winter. And protecting it from mice and the damage they cause is always a top priority. Luckily, for us, we have used a three prong approach for going on ten+ years now that works wonders in keeping everything safe.

3 Simple Secrets To Keep Mice Out Of Garages, Sheds & Barns!

Keeping mice out any space involves having both a good defensive strategy. A good defense is all about creating an environment that is equally unattractive and impenetrable for a mouse. That means making sure you have things sealed off tight. But it also means, as you will see below, using a few things that mice simply can’t stand to make them never want to come inside in the first place!

Here is a look at three simple things we do every fall to make sure our equipment and outbuildings stay safe from mice!

keep mice out
Mice nests in engine compartments can be costly!

#1 Using A Natural Repellent – 3 Simple Secrets To Keep Mice Out Of Garages, Sheds & Barns!

One of the most effective ways of all that we have found that keep mice from taking up residence in our interior spaces and equipment is by using natural repellents. The best part of this is there is no need to worry about scary or toxic chemicals, especially if you have little children or pets around!

At the top of the list of natural repellents are peppermint oil and cinnamon oil. Both scents are highly offensive to mice and other rodents. By having these smells in areas prone to mice, the scent keeps them from sticking around.

There is one natural repellent on the market that we have used for years called Grandpa Gus’s Extra Strength Mouse Repellent. The repelling packets are made from heavy concentrations of cinnamon and peppermint oils, and they do wonders in protecting out equipment and shed spaces.

Protecting With Cinnamon & Peppermint

We started using the packets to protect the engine block of our farm old truck and tractor when storing for the winter. We now expand that to putting them in our mower engine compartments, our teardrop camper – and at the door entrances to all of our sleeping cabins. Affiliate Link: Grandpa Gus’s Extra-Strength Mouse Repellent Pouches, Cinnamon/Peppermint Oils

I can honestly say that ever since – not a single mouse has taken up residence anywhere we have used them. We even use them for things we store outdoors through the winter as well. That includes our gas grill and deck boxes that hold cushions for chairs.

These mouse repellent pouches have been a lifesaver for us at the farm.

One thing is for sure – they are a great first line of defense. Especially to at least keep mice away from things that can be seriously damaged! But beyond that, there are two other things that also help immensely to keep mice from getting inside.

#2 Eliminate All Cardboard & Paper Products – 3 Simple Secrets To Keep Mice Out Of Garages, Sheds & Barns!

If there is one thing you can do that will really cut down on mice wanting to come into your garage or shed – it’s to eliminate all cardboard and paper you have in them. Cardboard boxes may be inexpensive and easy to use to store items, but they are a huge attraction for mice.

Not only can mice chew through cardboard with ease, the resulting confetti shavings make an excellent nest for their young. Cardboard also absorbs their urine and droppings, and intensifies that all-too familiar odor all throughout anything stored in the box.

Instead, store items in plastic containers that seal tightly. This is especially important when it comes to potential food sources such as animal feed, grass seed and garden seed.

Not only will storing these items in secure containers keep mice out, it also keeps any scents from filtering through and attracting them in the first place.

Seal Off Entry Points – 3 Simple Secrets To Keep Mice Out Of Garages, Sheds & Barns!

Finally, the last thing is to seal off easy entry points for mice to get in. In sheds, barns and outbuildings, mice can find easy access through gaps and holes in the siding and doors.

Weather stripping around door gaps will do wonders from keeping mice from sneaking in. As can sealing off holes in boards where electric or water pipes may come inside. Take a minute to walk around both the interior and exterior of your outbuildings. Seal off gaps with a board, caulking or expanding foam. Check doors and windows for gaps and fill them as well.

If you happen to have a dirt floor in an outbuilding, put down a barrier of stainless steel hardware cloth. It will keep mice from digging under and inside. We use this is our chicken coop and it works like a charm!

For garages with garage doors, make sure your seal at the bottom is in good working order. This is a prime entry point for mice in the early fall and winter.

And while on the subject of garage doors – keep them closed when not in use. An open door is an open invitation for a mouse to find a home inside your garage. Even worse, that mouse is now only one step away from coming inside your house!

Here is to keeping mice out of your garages, sheds and barns – and to keeping your equipment safe this fall and winter! Happy Gardening – Jim & Mary.

Old World Garden

Jim and Mary Competti have been writing gardening, DIY and recipe articles and books for over 15 years from their 46 acre Ohio farm. The two are frequent speakers on all things gardening and love to travel in their spare time.

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