This blog is a personal blog written and edited by Jim and Mary of Old World Garden Farms. All photos and content are created by us unless otherwise stated.
Companies and Commenters
We are not responsible for the actions of my advertisers, sponsors, blog commenters or those I work with. If you purchase a product through a link from our blog, you must take action with that company to resolve any issues, not this blog.
Social Media
My material may be used by peer blogs, so long as it is linked to the original post on my blog and we are given credit via full blog name. Credit must be given as Old World Garden Farms with a link to our site.
You may also pin my images on Pinterest or shared through FaceBook, Twitter and other forms of social media if they are linked to the original blog post on my blog and we are given credit via full blog name (Old World Garden Farms). Our editorial content may be linked back to our blog only and may not be published, copied, or reprinted without my consent.
If you feature any of our work, you must not alter any of our pictures, videos or photographs.
By reading this blog, you agree to not directly copy or sell any of our projects. If you create one of our projects with your own take and want to publish on your blog – you agree to fully disclose in your blog post that you were inspired by Old World Garden Farms and to link back to the our post. You agree to not sell the creations/designs we have developed without consent.
At Your Own Risk
You are reading and following our gardening, diy, cooking and canning at your own risk. Please always use safety precautions when performing a DIY project and using building materials or products and always read and follow manufacturer’s directions for the products and tools you use.
If you choose to use questionable materials, such as treated pallet wood, you do so at your own risk.
This privacy policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on January 17th, 2016. If you have any questions feel free to contact us directly at
Recipe Disclaimer
It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the value and quality of any recipe or instructions provided for food preparation and preserving and to determine the nutritional value, if any, and safety of the preparation instructions.
Recipes taken from our site and prepared are done so “at your own risk”. Old World Garden Farms is not responsible for any damage, medically or otherwise, resulting in the preparation of food using the instructions or recipes provided on this website. Readers and visitors must take care to check the instructions provided with all necessary agencies and determine their value and any possible medical condition that may arise from the consumption of the ingredients or procedures listed in this site’s pages.