A roll of string, a supply of wooden stakes, a hammer and a measuring tape. That is exactly what each of our farm’s “major” building projects have started with – and today, we will once again take out those four simple items to begin the first process in the building of our self-sufficient cabin that will take place later this summer.

The soon to be built cabin project – inspired by this picture of a cabin we found on-line last year.
There is something really special about that first day of marking off the building site. It brings the process to life as you can begin to see shape and outline – and yes – it allows us to day-dream a little about what it will look like when it’s all complete.
The cabin project is one we have really been looking forward to completing – it will finally give us a place to stay on the farm overnight and perhaps enjoy a few weekends there as well from time to time. It will also be the first project we have ever tried to build in a single day (see: a cabin raising). It should make for a fun day – great memories, and hopefully a special place at the farm to stay.
So as we head out for the day – we took a look back at three of our other “big” projects that have helped to build the farm over the last three years – all starting with those same stakes and string – and of course with a little elbow grease and hard work – turning it into part of our dream.
The Barn Project: (See: The Barn Project In Photos)
The idea for our barn came from a simple pencil drawing over the winter of 2010-2011. As we sketched out what we wanted our little barn to look like – I am not quite sure either of us knew for sure it would actually ever be built. But the dream grew from that drawing into reality – taking down two old barns and creating our “new” one.
The Chicken Coop : (See: Building Our New Coop)
The chicken coop project is actually our second coop on the farm. Our first we created from pallets and shipping crates – and then designed this one so that we could expand our flock. It was designed to match the barn and has provided a safe environment for our hens to enjoy the farm.
The Barn Pergola and Patio: (See: The Barn Pergola)
Still our favorite spot at the farm! We built it as a place to be able to enjoy a dinner or just sit and relax – and it has become just that. The best part – most of it was built from recycled or scrap lumber – including the patio made from reclaimed brick.
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Happy Gardening…and Building! – Jim and Mary
Old World Garden Farms