It seems hard to believe that just 8 1/2 months ago, the Kickstarter campaign for our “Growing Simple” book reached its goal, and our dreams of writing our first Home and Garden book became a reality.
To say that taking on the project was a gargantuan effort might be the biggest understatement of the year for us!
We had originally hoped to complete the entire writing process by the end of October or the first part of November – and have the book out by late December. Looking back – that was a bit of an aggressive plan! I think with it being our first ever book – we probably (well, not probably, more like definitely) underestimated how much time creating, writing and editing would take!
But somehow, through the Spring, Summer and Fall seasons, with a little effort each and every week, we have worked our way through the creation of the book. We have loved absolutely every minute of the process – but wow – does it take time to go back and forth to complete!
With that said – the end is in sight. We should wrap up the final two chapters by the end of the year, have final edits in January – and our initial copies back to us by mid-February in time for a late February release. To say we are excited might just be the 2nd biggest understatement of the year!
It would have never been possible if not for all of the incredible backers of the book through our Kickstarter campaign. Again – thank you for making a dream come true! We are looking forward to installing the plaque in the garden with the names of our book supporters, sending out the advance copies, and adding the row and chicken coop sponsors to the garden early this Spring – it will certainly bring the project full-circle!
As we have worked our way through creating the chapters of the book, it is truly our hope it helps to serve and inspire others who want to live a more simple life through a DIY approach to living.
A Big Year Ahead!

The OWG / Weaver Barns “Simple House” Project at the Farm will be an exciting project for 2016!
2016 should be an exciting year – with the book release scheduled for late February and book tour to follow – we should be in for a busy Spring! Add to that the building of our house at the farm with the Simple House Project and of course a full gardening season – we might just be ready for hibernation next Fall!
But as always, it’s about enjoying the process and having fun along the way – and that we will for sure.
Here’s to a great 2016 for all! – Jim and Mary
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