Yesterday was a great day for the family. Each and every year – my four sisters, brother, spouses, nieces, nephews and even great grand children gather up at my moms to have a work day as a mother’s day present to our mom. Weeds get pulled, the yard gets spruced up, the flowerbeds edged and mulched, a small garden gets planted – and more importantly -everyone has a blast!
I don’t think there is a single person that views it as “work” – in fact – I think we all look forward to it! It’s a chance to help and spend time with mom – work together – talk a lot – and of course – eat a lot of great food.
We got an extra bonus today, because in addition to all of the yard work – everyone pitched in and took up the old brick floor of mom and dad’s barn we had torn down last summer.

And all the hard work pays off- a lot of great reclaimed brick waiting to make the barns new floor at the farm
We loaded up over 2000 bricks to haul to the far. The reclaimed bricks will soon become the “new” floor for our barn. Everyone formed a big line and went at it – pulling up bricks one by one – passing them down the line and onto the truck – making a pretty tough job seem fun.
Even the little kids got into the act – helping bring a single brick to the truck to have it loaded – and then playing in what became a giant sandbox of sand once the bricks were taken up!
So – at the end of the day today – it’s one more great memory for all of us – and once again making me so thankful to have such a great mom that created such a great family. Now…we just have to figure out how to get them all suckered into coming to the farm soon to help lay the floor! :):)
Happy Mothers Day!