All in all – this has been somewhat of a mild winter season so far at our little farm in central Ohio – especially when compared to last years extreme cold and heavy snowfalls that seemed to drag winter on forever.
But with snow falling this past week, colder temperatures settling in – and another winter storm forecast for today – Mother Nature is still letting us know that Spring is not around the corner just yet.
We thought for today’s farm update – we would share some of the winter photos around the farm.
If you would like to receive our Sunday Farm Update each week – be sure to sign up to follow the blog via email in the right hand column, “like” us on the Facebook, or follow us on Twitter. We hope you enjoy the photos…

The Farm’s mailbox is covered in snow as well. The mailbox was one of our first pallet projects at the farm.

The Chickens are not very interested at all in leaving the comfort of their coop for the snowy grass

The few bales of straw left in the corn crib are usually home to a few overwintering mice – just looking for a place to stay warm

The snow blankets our ornamental grasses. I love the texture of the grasses in the winter. We leave ours up to help provide shelter for many of the birds and wildlife that stick around through the winter months.