The Farm, House and Garden Photo Update One Year Later.
It’s hard to believe that it has been one year since we broke ground on building our Simple House at the farm! And in those 365 days that have passed ever so quickly – a lot has changed!

The OWG Farm a year ag0, with the dirt moved aside to build the house
In late 2010, when we started clearing the land to make way for our first garden and chicken coop, living here was just a distant dream. But with a little work everyday, it somehow happened.
We still have quite a bit to do on the house and farm. But with that said, I am not really sure we will ever say we are completely finished around here. Quite honestly, that really is 90% of the fun. Creating, dreaming, working and living at a place we continue to build together. A little at a time, every single day. The results are but a small part of the real joy – simply being able to work at a shared dream.
We have had many of what some might call “failures” while creating our little farm. Things don’t always go as planned, and they don’t always work out. But we just tend to think of those as simply a part of the experience.
The real excitement, the real joy, and the real fun is in simply working towards whatever dream you have. Whether you ever get there or not. If you work a little every single day at what you love, it never ever seems like work. And before you know it, failures and all, you start making progress.
And at the very least, no matter what, you have been doing what you love all along. Can it get any better than that?
For this week’s Sunday Update, we thought we would take a camera around the farm and share in the progress of the last year. Hopefully, in another 365 days, we have even more to share! But no matter what, we will always simply love working at it.
We hope you enjoy the photo tour below – Happy Dreaming, Jim and Mary
Farm, House And Garden Photo Update
The Recycled Barn : The very first large structure on the property is now almost 6 years old and still going strong. We built this from two old barns we tore down in 2011. There is something so unique and special about old barn wood.
Chickens : The new flock of chickens are now 15 weeks old and loving life in the “Big Coop.” It won’t be long until they start laying eggs! That usually happens around week 18 or so.
Inside The House : The shiplap wall inside the house is finally complete! We finished with a scrabble wall and early black and white photos from the farm.
In The Garden : The potato crates in the garden are in full growth mode! One of the easiest ways to grow a big crop of potatoes without much work. We just fill the crate with soil and straw as they grow, and then empty at harvest time.
Landscaping : The Daylillies below are just now coming into bloom. With about 100 or so around the farm, they provide big color all over.
The Back Porch – The back porch has become one of our favorite places to sit and enjoy the farm after a long day. You can see the new project, the pavilion in the background. Together, they give us a great view of the farm below.
The Pergola Clematis : The clematis is growing rapidly up the lower pergola by the garden. It is now out in full bloom. We can’t wait until it covers the whole top.
The Garden is all planted and growing well – it won’t be long until we have fresh tomatoes! The raised rows make it is easy to plant and maintain – I’m not sure where we would be without them.
The Front Entrance – The front entrance is now in place! It took about a year, but the post and beam structure really brings the house together.
The House and Pavilion. We still have a long way to go to complete the landscaping, but we are having a lot of fun working around the pavilion. We love to be outside as much as possible, and putting this up has been a dream for a long time.