Yes, our little Old World Garden mini-farm is really for sale! I’m sure that may absolutely stun and shock a few of our followers this morning. But it is indeed true. And it is not a sad time for us at all.
First off – It is not the end of our blog. Nor the end of our OWG story. In fact, it is only making way for a new adventure and story to come. We aptly name it : Old World Garden, Version 2.0.
We will continue to do the things we love. That means continuing to write every week about Gardening, DIY and the Food and Recipes we love. And more than ever, we will continue to speak about those topics whenever and wherever we have the opportunity. It is what we truly love to do, and hopefully can do so for the rest of our lives.
But we also love to take on new challenges. Life to us is about working hard, playing hard, having fun, embracing change, and living every day to the fullest. No regrets, no looking back. Ever.
In January, I was asked by my company to take on a new position in Tennessee. It gave us the opportunity to think about what was next for us. What was our next challenge? Anyone that knows us knows that “Jim and Mary” have always been and will always be “dreamers, leapers, and love to doers.” It is who we are, what we love, and how we live.
There are two words that have always driven our life together and our adventures – and they are simply : “Why Not?” And when the challenge of creating something new, in a warmer climate presented itself, we simply said, Why Not?! We have never been ones to be tied to possessions. We never want to be, it is truly part of living simple.

The pavilion area at the farm
We are, to use an appropriate gardening term, two peas in a pod. One thing is for sure, we love the process of building and creating new projects and adventures as much or even more as enjoying them once completed. It is in the “doing” that we find true happiness and are at our best.
There are two things that remain on “life’s major bucket list” for us. One is to build an even smaller homestead in a warm climate to enjoy outdoor living even more. The other, at total retirement, is to take a 52 week tour in a small camper around the entire United States to see the country up close. Moreover, the people, gardens and sights that our followers have in their own backyards. Someday, we will mark a check in the box for both bucket list items.
For now, it is time to tackle #1 on the list. And we have hundreds of ideas floating through our heads for our next project. Everything is on the table.

A view of the farm from the garden up to the house
From creating a tiny “Urban Home and Farm” on a small city lot, to rehabbing an old downtown loft building into a rooftop garden and home. Who knows, perhaps even building a small homestead on a little tiny plot of land in a secluded rural area. The options are endless, and I have to say we are incredibly excited about a new challenge and our future.
Whatever we decide, we will have a blast doing it. We will also greatly enjoy writing and telling the story. All along of course, making sure to find a way to still grow our food, raise a few chickens, keep bees, and cook up some delicious food.
And so it is time to part ways with our Ohio Farm and let someone else enjoy it as it is meant to be enjoyed. It would be downright impossible for us to maintain two places, and totally against our principles of living simple. It was an incredible place to create and build over the last 8 years. We enjoyed every single minute of it. See : Farm Photo Gallery
We are not sad. Nor upset. We are truly proud of what we created, and excited and ready for what is next. There is not a single regret other than knowing we will miss a lot of incredible neighbors, friends and family with our move south. We look forward to an amazing new chapter and challenge in our life, and to making even more memories. You only get one shot at this life and world – why not live it like crazy!
Selling The Farm…The Process
In the past, we have been approached often by those asking if we would sell. To be fair to all, we want the farm sale to be as simple and open as possible for us and all potential buyer(s). We want to find someone who will love it as much as we did and enjoy it to the fullest. In fact, feel free to share this article with anyone who might fir the bill!!!
To keep it fair, we will take open bids for anyone interested in purchasing the property from now until July 15th, 2018. Bids can be emailed to us at We do ask that each bid include a pre-approved letter from a mortgage lender. For those that are interested in purchasing the farm, we will host an open house on Sunday, July 1st from 1-4 pm to look at the house and property.
As we go along, we will determine whether we can accept any bids at any point in the process, or need to list the property with a local realtor.
Here is a quick run-down on what is included with the sale:

The Barn
The mini farm sits on approximately 2.5 acres of land in rural eastern Licking County, Ohio. It includes 44′ x 24′ main house, 32′ x 24′ detached garage which includes a small efficiency space for a separate bedroom / office space. It has a full bathroom with shower. The property also includes a 20′ x 16′ outdoor pavilion, 2 outdoor kitchens, pizza oven, 32 x 24′ concrete floored barn with two attached 12′ x 24′ concrete-floored covered porches. 10 x 10 concrete pad and hot tub, 12 x 8′ garden shed, 6′ foot outdoor fire pit, pergola, 12 x 8 chicken coop with covered awning, and multiple outdoor seating areas.
Also included is a 40 x 60′ fenced raised row garden area, strawberry patch, blueberry bushes, mini orchard and vineyard area. The property has many gravelled pathways that lead to the various structures and sitting areas. The main driveway is paved with durable and long-lasting chip and tar the entire way down to the main barn.
There are multiple landscaping beds around the farm and over 600+ perennial plants, shrubs and bushes. The landscaping includes 2 separate low voltage lighting systems, along with multiple outdoor plugs for outdoor electrical needs. You can find additional information here : Selling The Farm – The Farm In Detail.
Happy Gardening, Happy Living, and most importantly of all, here is to a bright future! Jim and Mary.